Chairman/CEO’s Statement
The story of our company is typical of small beginnings; a small starter that has grown into significance and to what it is at the moment, from which we derive the confidence that our future would be very great.
From an initial manufacture of simple antibiotic skin ointment in 1993 to a broad range of anti fungal and antibiotic combination creams to combat mixed infections, Drugfield has since ventured into the production of other dosage forms such as Tablets, Capsules, Liquid Syrups and Suspensions, Gels, Dry powders, Sterile Eye/Ear preparations and small and large volume parenterals to meet the growing healthcare needs of people within and outside our domain.
The year 2014, marked a significant milestone in our history which saw our efforts at local manufacturing draw international attention and collaboration.
Chlorhexidine digluconate 7.1% gel is the World Health Organization (WHO) product of choice in the prevention of umbilical cord infections of the new born, and thereby reducing high infant mortality rate that is prevalent in many poor underdeveloped countries with weak primary health care infrastructure and traditional/cultural cord care practices that are harmful to the most vulnerable.
Our company rose up to the challenge of developing local capacity for the manufacture of this product. Drugfield’s brand of Chlorhexidine digluconate 7.1% gel (CHLORXY-G ) was manufactured locally and Nigeria became the second country in the world to have produced this World Health Organization (WHO) approved product for umbilical cord care.
This singular achievement opened up our company to the rest of the world through regular interactions with Development Partners and Organizations such as Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), World Chlorhexidine Working Group (CWG), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Bill and Melinda Gate’s Foundation, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHIA) etc. This is indeed a story of God’s faithfulness per excellence
We also owe our success story to the patronage of our teeming customers which include Mega drug distribution companies, Wholesalers, Community Practice Pharmacies, Retailers, Medical Doctors, Pharmacists and Physiotherapists in Hospitals and Health Institutions, and numerous faithful end users of our products.
Our success story cannot be complete without acknowledging the immense contributions of our committed staff at all levels who over the years have shown resilience and loyalty to the company. They have been part of our growth process and improvement in service delivery and bottom line; while we collectively strive for greater excellence in standards which we regularly review in line with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and best business practices.
This is why we are always confident to declare that Drugfield products are “Excellent Products From A Sure Source”
We are indeed very grateful to God and very proud of our achievements and our sustained efforts at improving Health Care Delivery Service to our country and to peoples of other cultures.
We wish all our trade customers and well-wishers good success while we look forward to more patronage and loyalty in the future.
Thank you.
Ekundayo Olakunle B.Pharm, M.Sc, fpsn, fnapharm